Gucci Bamboo For Women Edp 75ml
Out of stock
This was launched in 2015. The fragrance apparently reflects confidence and femininity. It is designed for modern women of character that is multifaceted; the fragrance is intense, graceful and gentle at the same time. The face of the perfume is actress Gal Gadot. The bottle design blends delicate sensibility with strong lines. Glass art deco bottle in the shape of a diamond is contrasting with soft pink liquid. Polished silver cap gives the Bamboo signature.
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Stack trace:
#0 /home/souqlk/domains/ mintpay_calculate_simple_product_installment()
#1 /home/souqlk/domains/ mintpay_display_price_breakdown()
#2 /home/souqlk/domains/ WP_Hook->apply_filters()
#3 /home/souqlk/domains/ apply_filters()
#4 /home/souqlk/domains/ WC_Product->get_price_html()
#5 /home/souqlk/domains/ include('/home/souqlk/do...')
#6 /home/souqlk/domains/ wc_get_template()
#7 /home/souqlk/domains/ woocommerce_template_single_price()
#8 /home/souqlk/domains/ WP_Hook->apply_filters()
#9 /home/souqlk/domains/ WP_Hook->do_action()
#10 /home/souqlk/domains/ do_action()
#11 /home/souqlk/domains/ require('/home/souqlk/do...')
#12 /home/souqlk/domains/ load_template()
#13 /home/souqlk/domains/ wc_get_template_part()
#14 /home/souqlk/domains/ include('/home/souqlk/do...')
#15 /home/souqlk/domains/ require_once('/home/souqlk/do...')
#16 /home/souqlk/domains/ require('/home/souqlk/do...')
#17 {main}
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